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check out the prices & rules below and then fill out the form at the bottom of the page

How it Works:

1. Decide your painting option (from the "Base Prices" section below ​ 2. Fill out the form (Be sure to read the Rules & Disclaimer) ​ 3. Wait for a confirmation email from me (please be patient. It could take up to a day) ​​ 4. Via email -we will plan out your painting. You tell me everything.  ​ 5. Payment occurs (I take payment before working to ensure I don't get stiffed after 8+ hours of work) ​ 6. I will send you the sketch before I begin. If any changes are to be made, we will discuss them. (files potentially sent through Google Drive) ​ 7. I will begin working on the painting (times will vary)  -I will send you update screenshots upon request. ​ 8. I will send you the finished piece for your approval. - If any changes are to be made: I will make them free of charge. (If, however, you decide to add on more things we haven't initially discussed, there will be a potential add-on to the price) ​​ ​ ​

currently taking orders for:


-Digital Paintings (several options]

(typically 3000px X 3000px

(unless cropping/resizing is required)




ordering a commission from me not only supports future projects; it's also a big spit in the face of AI generated "Art"


AI generated art has sold up to the $100K's on art websites and other social media platforms. It is an insult to the 1000's of hours or work and dedication put into real art by real artists.


Please help human artists survive!

Base Prices

Accepted Payment Types

  • PayPal

  • CashApp

prices are based on an average hourly rate. 
and may vary depending on circumstance we discuss.



Want some examples?
Check out the



Full body

From chest up, arms included
(any angle, any pose,)

  • simple: $30
      (lineart, minimal colors, lightly shaded)


  • detailed $70
    (full color, full shading)


  • simple background: no extra charge


  • detailed background: between $10-$20


prices vary extra depending on amount of detail.

any angle, any pose

  • simple: $35
        (lineart, minimal colors, lightly shaded)


  • detailed $85
        (full color, full shading)

  • simple background: no extra charge

  • detailed background: between $10-$20


 prices vary extra depending on amount of detail.

Two Character
        /Couple Portrait


From chest up, arms included
(any angle, any pose,)

  • simple: $50

   (minimal to no color, light shading)


  • detailed: $85

Two Character
       /Couple full body


any angle, any pose

  • simple: $65
    (minimal to no color, light shading)


  • detailed: $100

Four Panel Comic
(for a script you've written)

  • simple:
    $75(minimal to no color, light shading)


  • detailed: $150
    (full color)


  • detailed: $85
    (black and white/greyscale)


note: will add more panels for a small fee

If there is something you have in mind that is not listed


, I am willing to take your idea into consideration.


Fill out the form and I'll get back to ya!

Note: I will keep you up to date with screenshots of my progress. These will be very small images taken inside of the digital painting software (in this case KRITA)

This is a safety thing for me.


Also, the entire painting process will be recorded. Not for production, but for my own records and visual proof that I painted the piece.

Submission Form
(your info is private, safe and will not be sold or given away.)

Thank you for submitting! I'll email you as soon as I can!

Accepted Payment Types

  • PayPal

  • CashApp


***no refunds***



  • You must allow me to post the artwork on my online portfolio (unless it is something extremely personal. Then we will talk about it.)


  •  You must also credit me (Liir Tavo/etherhermit) as the artist if you decide to post the artwork on any social media or anywhere else. 


  • Once you receive your piece of art, it belongs to you, obviously. I can't control what happens to it once it becomes your property.​ All I ask is: if you make any changes to the piece, please note that those were your changes and not my original work when you post it up.]

  • Also, I beg of you: DO NOT TURN MY WORK INTO AN NFT. I'm highly against NFTs and that would be just really insulting 



 I will NOT draw:


-anything hateful

-anything political


-copyrighted characters


-Nothing distastefully sexual; don't be gross (note: I will do tasteful NSFW art upon request. However, if I don't like the idea or if I'm not into it, I won't do it. We gotta be on the same wavelength.)


I also reserve the right to refuse any request for any reason. (If I am uncomfortable with your idea, or if I just do not think it is something I can do, or if it is something I don't agree with, etc)

© Tavo Kingdom 2025 / Mesmer Media

all art featured on this website was drawn/painted by Liir Tavo (Etherhermit)

You may not use, redistribute, sell or edit anything on this page.

If anything in any of my galleries is to be featured somewhere, my permission is required. Thank you!

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